How to Support Your Mental Health.
Often, in between an early workout class, a day full of deadlines, video-calling friends, cooking a meal for your family, and squeezing in a late night food shop, it can feel like there is never real time for you. Whilst we are so busy living our lives, we forget to actually breathe, to check on ourselves, and ensure our own happiness and health.
How can we support our own mental health, whilst living such busy lives, and caring for our friends and family?
We share ways you can create time and space for yourself, to support your mental health. Please share these tips with your loved ones who you feel may need that bit of extra support.
Stay in contact.
When we feel busy and overwhelmed, family and friends, and the support they offer can go straight to the back of our minds. Try scheduling small time frames in your day to give different people a call, or pre-arranging a video-chat to ensure it actually happens, and you don’t keep accidentally putting it off . Staying in contact with your loved ones ensures that you keep your support system close, keep them updated on how you are, and also, you can check in on them too.
Do what you love.
Cooking. Roller skating. Singing. Dog walking. Sewing. Drawing. Bird watching. Stamp collecting.
Whatever you love to do, ensure you spend some time actually doing it. Spending time on activities that you enjoy will boost your mood, and ensure that you schedule some of your time away from everything else.
Spend time outside.
Spending time outside has been found to relieve physical and mental stress, and boost your mood. There is something calming about being within nature, which can cause positive feelings within you.
Try spending more time in your garden, visiting your local park, or take a drive to the Peak District.