Strong. Flexible. Powerful.

Explore our range of Pilates and Yoga classes from the comfort of your own home.

Less Than 20 minutes to Spend

Short classes for when you don’t have much time


A quick core workout to get those abs firing, all from your desk chair!

Got a few minutes between zoom calls and want to do something that will benefit both your body and mind? Give this desk Yoga sequence a go, we promise you won’t regret it!

Start or finish your day right with a Sun Salutation flow


Grab a resistance band and get ready to work hard

Get those warrior poses spot on with this quick 10 minute sequence


A 20 minute Yoga flow to help you relax into sleep

20 minutes of Pilates to help those back niggles that seem to plague us all


How To

Perfect those poses with our step by step how to guides


Warrior with Philomena in this heart raising sequence

Downward dog is a move you will encounter in most classes, make sure you’re doing it perfectly and nailing those variations


Open up and stretch out those hips then practice your tree balance variations

Start or finish your day right with a Sun Salutation flow

Learn how to move your pelvis to ease off your lower back and engage your core


Open your hips and learn how to progress your Malasana, or Yoga deep squat

How to safely get into a headstand, work on your core strength, shoulder stability and balance.


If the splits is your goal, build this practice into your weekly routine and you’ll be there in no time!

If You've Got More Time

Try out these full length classes for a great Pilates or Yoga workout


Boost your running performance by incorporating this Yoga routine into your programme


Strengthen and lengthen with this combination of Pilates and Yoga in one class

If you’re a regular Yogi already, or want to challenge yourself, why not give this slightly more advanced class a go.


One of our best loved live classes, join Beth for this sculpting Pilates circuit

The best of both worlds with this blend of both Pilates and Yoga.


Join Philomena for her Saturday morning relaxing Yoga flow


Beth teaches our very own Simon through a beginners Pilates class, for men and women alike

Part 2 of our mens beginner Yoga series featuring Beth and Simon


A festive Yoga Pilates treat that you can enjoy at any time of year

Get ready to work hard in this Pilates session with Bethan


Improve Your Flexibility

If flexibility is your goal, try out these classes


Running specific flexibility for your running specific flexibility


Work up to the splits with Philomena

A session that focuses mainly on areas where men may find that they are tighter


Open out those tight hips

This deep Yoga squat is great for hips and lower back

Work your Core

Lets get those abs firing


Understanding the foundations of your pelvic alignment is key for working your abs properly and safely


Get ready to workout with Beth in this Pilates blast

A great core workout you don’t even have to leave your chair for


Intermediate & Advanced Sessinos

Challenge yourself with these more difficult Pilates and Yoga sequences

Work on your inversions and learn how to headstand

A full length advanced Yoga class